The Paul Norton PTA welcomes you and your family to Paul Norton Elementary School and to our Parent Teacher Association! The PTA provides coordinated volunteer support of the school’s staff for the enrichment of every child.
Everyone is Welcome!
PTA meetings are open to everyone! Meetings are usually held the first Tuesday of the month at 6:30 PM in the Paul Norton Library. Children are welcome to accompany parents/caregivers. Feel free to come and go as your schedule allows!
2024-2025 Meeting Dates
Meeting time 6 pm | Paul Norton Library
September 10
October 8
November 12
December 10 (Holiday Mixer)
January 14
February 11
March 11
April 8
May 13
Oct. 5 - Norton Night 4-7 pm
May 21 - Run Into Summer

PTA members support teaching staff and students with:
Academic program assistance
Supplemental classroom supplies
Cultural enrichment programs
Maintenance of school grounds
Fundraising and school spirit events
Activities of the PTA are fueled by the energy, ideas, and commitment of its members. Each person brings different gifts and available time to add to the effort. Every contribution is welcomed and encouraged. The first step is to join and find out how your input can benefit the organization. Investing yourself in your child’s life is the most important thing you can do. Being part of the PTA is a great place to start!
Family Events & Volunteer Opportunities:
Norton Night
Book Fair
Donuts with Grownups
Talent Show
Movie Nights
Skating Parties
Run Into Summer
Spirit Wear
Room Parents
Copy Room & Art Volunteers
Adult Trivia Night
. . . and more!
Fund Raising Philosophy
Paul Norton leads the district in a policy of non-incentive fund raising. PTA offers families the opportunity to purchase quality items they would normally buy, in a manner that financially benefits Paul Norton School. Children are not enticed into door-to-door sales promising prizes for the amount of sales.
Primary Fund Raising Activities: Norton Night (Annual Game Night & Silent Auction), Fall or Spring Fundraiser, Book Fair, Scrip Program.
Other Ways to Contribute: Box Tops for Education, Campbell Soup Labels, Cash for Caps, Target Program, Schnucks Escrip, and Recycling Printer Cartridges.
Activities of the PTA are fueled by the energy, ideas, and commitment of its members. Each person brings different gifts and available time to add to the effort. Every contribution is welcomed and encouraged. The first step is to join and find out how your input can benefit the organization. Investing yourself in your child’s life is the most important thing you can do. Being part of the PTA is a great place to start!